Why does Steel Structures, Inc., stand out in an industry so crowded and competitive? First, it’s the sheer knowledge of our team. With more than a century of combined experience in tank design and steel fabrication, we infuse every project with unparalleled quality and innovation. And we put the same effort into our customer service – obsessively responsive, authentically helpful, and another reason SSI rises above the ordinary.

Designed to meet your specifications. And exceed your expectations.
- Carbon steel tanks
- Stainless steel tanks
- Chemical storage tanks
- Petroleum product tanks
- More

Secure storage solutions – an SSI specialty.
- Silos
- Dry bulk storage bins
- Grain storage tanks
- Custom bins for feed, concrete, plastics, dry fertilizer & more
Custom-designed to protect your fluid system with state-of-the-art surge control.
- Complete surge control systems
- Unparalleled protection against water hammer & other transient surge events
- ASME-certified pressure vessels
- All components sized & specified to your unique needs
Let us know about your project, and we’ll send you a quote at no cost or obligation.